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Scheduling by Job Site

This article will show you how to use the Job Site Scheduler so that you can make sure you are filling your weekly job site requirements with the right employees. 

To access the Job Site Scheduler, begin by clicking Schedules from the top navigation bar.

Schedules Tab

Select the name of a department to get to the schedule.

Calgary Departments Overview

At the top left corner of the schedule, you will notice that the Employees tab is highlighted. Click on the Job Sites tab to access the Position Scheduler. You will only see the Job Sites tab if you have created job sites within this department. If you have not created your job sites yet, please see our article on Creating Job Sites.

Job Site Scheduler

If you haven't scheduled any shifts for your employees yet, you will see a blank Job Site Schedule like the one below. This view of the schedule allows you to assign shifts by job site instead of by employee. The left column of the schedule lists all of the job sites that exist within this department.

job site schedule empty

If you have already scheduled shifts for your employees, your Job Site Schedule will look something like the picture below with navy blue squares filling the page. These navy blue squares show shifts that you have already scheduled for employees but have not yet set as one of your requirements.

For example, if you look in the first box under Sunday the 10th, there is a number that says "2/-". This shows you that you have two employees scheduled to work the Midday shift in Key West, but because you have not set this as a required shift on this day, you are overstaffed.

Job Site Scheduler 2


There are two ways to create new shift requirements. One way is to drag a shift from the left column of Shift Templates and drop it onto the spot on the schedule that corresponds with the correct job site and day of the week.

Job Site Scheduler 3

You will now see the New Shift Requirement box. You can adjust the number of required employees for this shift by typing a number in the box on the left or adding more or less by clicking on the arrows. You can also select the appropriate position for this shift requirement using the drop down filter on the right. Then, click the Create Shift Requirement button.

Create Shift Requirement-1

Once you have created the new shift requirement, you will see three different tabs along the top of the Shift Requirement box:

  • Shift Details - Shows all of the details of the shift requirement such as position, location and department. You can edit the number of required employees from this screen and then click the Update button or delete this requirement altogether by clicking the Delete Requirement and Shifts. Keep in mind that if you have scheduled any employees for this shift and you delete the requirement, all of these shifts will be removed from the employees' schedules as well. 

Shift Details

  • Scheduled Employees - The number at the top shows how many employees you have already scheduled out of the total that you require. From this tab you can see which employees have already been assigned this shift.

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  • Unscheduled Employees - This tab lists all of your employees that have the required job site and are available to work during the hours of this shift. You can assign employees to this shift directly from this screen by clicking the Assign button to the right of the employee's name. This screen allows you to assign shifts to employees based on things like wage, positions and weekly hours worked so you know that you are getting the best person for the job.

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You can close the Shift Requirement box at any time by clicking the Close button at the bottom right corner of each screen. 

You will now see your new shift requirement on the Job Site Schedule. You can click on this box whenever you would like to view any of the above details or assign employees to work this shift. 

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The second way to create a new shift requirement is useful when you have already scheduled shifts for your employees and they appear as navy blue squares on the schedule (as we saw above). Simply click on one of these navy blue boxes and repeat the above steps to create the requirement with the correct number of employees. 

Job Site Scheduler 2

Once you have completed setting your weekly requirements, you will able to schedule by switching between your Employee and Job Site Schedule to make sure that you have enough employees scheduled when and where you need them. Your requirements will begin to fill up as you schedule which you will be able to visualize as the colors on the schedule change. The legend at the bottom left of the schedule outlines what each color represents.

job site requirment legend

*Tip: To save time making the Job Site Scheduler, copy and paste it from week to week and make any changes you might need to afterwards. To learn how to copy and paste your job site requirements, please read our article on How to Copy and Paste Job Site Requirements.