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How to Post a Shift for Drop

The following article shows how you can post a shift for drop so that other employees can offer to work it for you. If you would like to read about how to offer to pick up other employee's dropped shifts, please read our article on How to Make an Offer on a Dropped Shift.


How to post a shift to be dropped:

Begin from the schedule view and click on the navigation drawer at the top left.

Schedule Drawer-3

Click on Exchange.

Exchange Tab

Click on the plus sign in the top right corner on the Exchange screen or the pink Post a Shift button. 

Post a Shift - Exchange-1

Your calendar will be visible with all of your scheduled shifts appearing in blue. Click on the shift that you want to drop. 

Post a Shift 2-1

Click on the Post for Drop button. The details of this shift are visible here as well, including the location, department and position you are working. Keep in mind that only other employees that have the same position as you will be eligible to pick up this shift. 

Post for Drop

If necessary, add a note to the posted shift so other employees can see why you need your shift covered. Click Post when you are ready to send your dropped shift out to other employees to pick up. 
Post Note-1

Your posted shift will now appear under the My Posts tab on the Exchange screen.

My Posts - Drop

How to respond to offers from coworkers:

You will receive a push notification when other employees offer to pick up your shift. You can click directly on this notification to respond to shift offers from your coworkers or you can access them from the Exchange section of MakeShift.

Click on the navigation drawer at the top left and click Exchange.

Exchange Tab-1

Under the My Posts tab, you can see how many offers you have received from other employees in red writing. Click on your posted shift. 

2 Offers - Drop 

Click on View Offer(s).

View 2 Offers - Drop

You will see a list of one or more employees who have offered to pick up your shift. Click on the name of the employee that you would like to give your shift to.  

Pick Offer

A box will pop up asking you to confirm that you would like to accept the offer from your coworker. Click OK.

Accept Offer

Your dropped shift will now be marked as pending under the My Posts tab. The drop needs to be approved by a manager before it is finalized in your schedule.

My Posts - Pending Approval

Once your manager has approved or declined your dropped shift, you will receive a push notification with the details of your shift exchange. If approved, the shift will automatically be removed  from your schedule and will be added to the employee's schedule who offered to pick it up.